Tips for Spring

Springtime is the perfect time for Kapha cleanses. As the weather warms up Kapha liquefies in the body and it becomes much easier to get rid of stored Kapha Ama in particular. So if you want to loose some of the extra weight you gained throughout winter or if you have an ongoing cough, sinus or other lung issue – this is the best time to do something about it.

People suffering from asthma, allergies, lymphatic problems, hay fever, chronic sinus and lung conditionsĀ or arthritis will benefit from spring cleanses in particular.

Ayurvedic cleanses are not just aimed at helping with these conditions but are also recomended for healthy people. Ayurvedic cleanses help to prevent diseases and keep the body and mind strong, youthfull and free of toxins.

Call us now to make an appointment forĀ a consultation in one of our clinics. Our welltrained and caring staff will design a protocoll which is suited to your individual circumstances.

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Byron Bay 02 66808788

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